Funding Our Ministry

All Saints benefits from charitable status as a church but we have to raise ourselves all our normal running costs. Our budget requires an income of about £33,000 each year.

There is information here about our typical annual budget and also ways in which you may wish to offer us financial help to fulfil our ministry.

Typical Annual Budget [before COVID]

Excluding all significant building repairs and maintenance costs.

Typical Annual Income   £
 Typical Annual Expense£
Donations from all sources      21,874

Share of Vicar's stipend, expenses and related costs

Fundraising events
 Building [insurance, heat/light, upkeep etc] 10,390
Investment income
 Giving to others      15
Magazine and other sales
  2,519 Fund raising expenses  2,712
Church Fees
  1,928 Magazine printing & general admin. costs  2,724
   Service related costs     300
 Total Income
 33,818 Total Expenses 32,652

To find out more detail about how this money is used please check our

Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

Any annual surplus is usually moved to our Repairs or Reserves Fund to help with the repair of our building.

There is separate information about Funding Our Building

We are grateful for the many people who already offer their financial support but we are always in need! The stronger our financial base – the more effective is the ministry we can offer in our community!

There is information below about:

Donations: cash, cheque, online, mobile phone

Monthly Envelopes

Bankers Order

Gift Aid

Shop and Surf with us!


  • Donations: cash or cheque

If you wish to make a donation you may leave it at the church, e-mail our Treasurer at or send a cheque to Treasurer, All Saints' Church, c/o 31 Earlsgate, Winterton, Scunthorpe, DN15 9SS. Cheques should be made payable to Winterton PCC. ['Winterton PCC' is the bank account for Winterton Parochial Church Council which is legally responsible for the upkeep of All Saints' Church in Winterton]

        Donations: online

Credit and Debit Card donations may be made by clicking on the Visa/Mastercard image below. You will be taken to the Winterton All Saints donation page.


Card image

Your donation will help to service our community's needs and to maintain our beautiful building. 


        Donations:mobile phone

 Scan to make an instant donation

QR code for donations

Your mobile phone camera should recognise this QR code, if not download a QR reader.

The QR code will take you to All Saints' donation page. You can then select a donation amount and pay by Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or debit/credit card.


  • Monthly Envelopes

Some members of our congregation choose to have a supply of monthly envelopes in which they can put their offering. The annual supply of envelopes runs from November to October each year. But you may ask our Treasurer for a supply of these envelopes at any time.

  • Bankers Order

Many of our supporters prefer to make regular donations by bankers order. If you would like to use this method you can ask for a paper copy of the Bankers Order Form from our Treasurer or you can download the form to instruct your bank here Bankers Order

  • Gift Aid

Some people think that Gift Aid is complicated. It is really very simple.

If you are a UK tax payer and you already give to the church, or wish to do so, simply tell us and, once we have certain details from you, we can claim back the tax on your gift. Reclaimed tax is a significant income stream for our church. You can cancel the Gift Aid at any time. We ask you to notify our Treasurer if you cease to pay tax equal to the tax reclaimed by the church each year. If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return. If you change your name or address please notify our Treasurer.

If you wish to check the details see the information at Tax relief when giving to charity through Gift Aid

Basic rate tax is 20 per cent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it's worth £12.50 to our church.

There are two way in which you can Gift Aid your donations.

Gift Aid Envelopes – If you wish you can use the Gift Aid Envelopes available at the back of the church. You will need to write on your name and address each time you use one of these envelopes for your donation.

Gift Aid Declaration Form – If you wish to Gift Aid all your donation until further notice, it is easiest to complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form. These are also available at the back of the church but you can download a copy here Gift Aid declaration form. When completed please return the form to the Treasurer. All donations you then make by weekly envelope, cheque or bankers order will then automatically be Gift Aided.

You cannot make Gift Aid donations with loose cash unless it is enclosed within either a Weekly or a Gift Aid envelope.

  • Shop online and surf the internet with us!

You can shop online with easyfundraising at your favourite stores and, without any extra cost to you, help All Saints raise funds. It is easy to register and when you shop online, All Saints automatically gets commission.

In a similar way, you can surf the internet with easysearch and All Saints gets funds simply because you are using this search engine. Give it a try!

For full details of how to use these two easy schemes see Shop Online and Surf with us!

  • Legacies

Our church has been greatly honoured in past years to receive some legacies and gifts made in memory of departed family members. Making a will is important for lots of reasons, especially for your family. You may also wish to consider making a gift to our parish church. This is a way to make a real difference to the possibilities for our ministry. If you wish to talk to us about how this might be done or what such a legacy might be used for, please do let us know. Our current policy is to invest legacies in order to provide income in future years for the upkeep and maintenance of our church.

There is further information in our leaflet Your Legacy Will Help

You may also find it helpful to look at the national Church of England website about leaving a legacy to the church at Church Legacy

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