Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

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Wedding Reception in Church

Funerals and burial of ashes


For all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddinga and Funerals, please contact Rev Janet

Turville 07944683946 or



We see baptism as an important first step in a child's journey in faith and a welcome into the Christian community.

We usually welcome a child at our Sunday Morning Service held at 10.45am at Winterton, Winteringham or Roxby. Subject to seasonal variations and other occasional demands Baptisms will take place at 10.45am on the 4th Sunday of a three monthly cycle. This will normally be in March, June, September and December. These changes have been made necessary by increasing limits on staffing.

After you make contact, we can arrange a date for the service and a meeting with both parents and the child at a mutually convenient time. Please bear in mind we will require completion of a form, which must include names and addresses of godparents.

While the service is free, we do welcome gifts in the collection plate which is always placed by the door.

There is an optional formal baptism certificate for which there is a charge. To check these details please see   Baptisms Fees 2025

You may also like to look at the information provided about baptism on the national Church of England website

  • What is baptism?

  • Making decisions and promises

  • What happens during the service?

  • The role of godparents

  • Thanksgiving

  • Frequently Asked Questions


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We welcome couples who wish to be married in our beautiful parish church and we aim to make this highly significant occasion memorable and enjoyable too.

Wedding Car outside All Saints

The Church of England rules on weddings have recently been changed. Basically if you or your partner live in the parish, or you have a family connection, or you have lived and worshipped at the Parish church at some time you can be married here at All Saints. For further details speak to the Rev Jamet Turville. There is still a legal requirement for the reading of Banns, but this can be discussed at our meeting.

We suggest that you contact rev Janet Turville as soon as possible, in order that we can meet your requirements. Once your wedding date is in our diary we then need a meeting to discuss all aspects of the service and to arrange for a rehearsal, which usually takes place in the week before the wedding.

We can provide an organist or you can make other arrangements. We have had a brass band and a string quartet (not at the same time!) in the past. We also have a keen and proficient band of bellringers who are also available to help the celebration.

The charges for wedding services at All Saints are here Wedding Fees 2025

There is a wealth of information to help you on the Church of England special wedding website at

We are also happy to offer thanksgiving services for marriage too. Such a service might follow:

  • a civil wedding ceremony, or

  • a wedding conducted abroad [for the benefit of non-travelling family and friends]

Or it could celebrate a significant milestone or wedding anniversary. Thanksgiving services can be fairly simple or more elaborate to suit your requirements.

Wedding Reception in Church


If you wish, you can hire the church for a reception so your guests do not need to travel further after your wedding. See the story at (...)

At All Saints in Winterton we have 16 round tables which can seat up to 128 guests for a sit down meal in the church. We also have a small commercial kitchen. So the options for catering are endless!

Do you want a sit down formal meal; or a buffet style; or ask everyone to bring a picnic!

Catering could be done by a commercial caterer which you hire or by a friend [but to use the commercial kitchen they must be qualified or have suitable experience].

If you are interested in these options do talk to us at a very early stage so we can make sure all the details and possible costs are explored.


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At All Saints we offer funerals either in our church, followed by burial or cremation, or entirely at our local Crematorium in Scunthorpe (Woodlands). We work closely with bereaved families and always try hard to accommodate requests for music, readings, and input from family and friends.

We attach great importance on visiting families before the funeral, so we can plan a helpful and supportive service. We will visit at least once and are happy to arrange further visits should this be necessary. Visits are important because we are holding the service for a unique person, loved by God. There is no "one size fits all" approach.

We are happy to discuss your requirements and any issues you may have around bereavement, and offer support. Some people find it helpful to visit church and light a candle, either before or after a funeral. This can help any close friend or relative who cannot be at the funeral itself.

We are pleased to be approached at any stage following a death, though many will prefer to let the Funeral Directors do this.

The charges for funeral services at All Saints [or Woodlands Crematorium] are here   

Funeral Fees 2025

We are also available to listen or discuss any issues around bereavement, or approaching death, and will do so in a supportive way.

There is a great deal of helpful information at

As part of our ongoing care and support we offer an annual Memorial Service to which we invite those for whom we have provided a funeral in the past year. Of course others are welcome too and notice of this will be on the Calendar - default view on our website and in the Parish Magazine. It usually takes place in the evening early in December. Many people find this informal service of great help.

There are occasions when a Memorial or Thanksgiving service is appropriate, especially in the absence of a body, or if a funeral has taken place abroad, for example. In this case please feel free to discuss this with the Vicar. In this instance Funeral Directors need not be involved. 

Burial of cremated remains

Most residents of Winterton will know that burials are no longer allowed in the churchyard at All Saints. The churchyard was closed for burials in the 1870s when the new town cemetery opened. However, you may well not know that is it permissible for cremated remains to be buried in a designated area of the churchyard. A faculty to allow this was granted in 1967.

The defined area for the interment of cremated remains is at the west end of the churchyard and is bounded by the path joining Churchside to West Street on the east,the line of mature trees on the west with the northern and southern boundaries in line with the walls of the North and South Aisles. Persons whose cremated remains can be buried at All Saints include those who were resident in the parish at the time of their death, those who died in the parish or those who were on the church electoral roll of the parish at the time of their death. All Saints does, however, reserve the right to permit persons outside of these categories to have their ashes interred where there are strong pastoral grounds.

The burial plots will remain unmarked but the names of the deceased will be added to a Book of Remembrance that is kept in the church. The fee due is for permission to bury cremated remains in the churchyard together with the fee for the digging the plot. Scattering of ashes is not permitted in the churchyard.


Funeral Fees 2025

Policy on burial of cremated remains

All enquiries about the interment of cremated remains at All Saints should be directed

to Rev Janet Turville  or email: 


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