Bell Ringers
Find out here about
Winterton Bellringers on You Tube!
Bell ringing has been a feature of church life in Winterton for more than 300 years. Five of the six bells currently in use at Winterton were recast in 1734 from six older bells. For more information about the our bells see Church Bells
Our Ringers meet in the Tower each Thursday from 7.30 to 9pm for a practice. On the last Thursday in each month they join the ringers at Burton for a joint area practice. The only exceptions to this pattern are Holy Week and other special events.
Bellringers at All Saints, October 2009
Most people are capable of learning to ring the bells as long as they are fit. Young people from age 10 are welcome [as long they have reasonable stature/height]. You need to be ready to learn over several weeks and then commit to practice nights and be ready to ring on Sundays or at other times when needed [for example, at weddings]. We need new recruits all the time in order to grow our team and ensure that there will be ringers for our bells in the future!
You can always ask to come along and just have a look on practice nights to see what happens before you make up your mind. Just ring Paul - 01724 732689 to let him know in advance.
Tower Captain, Frank Jervis, 2009
A bell ringer controls the bell by a rope which winds round the wheel on which the bell is fixed. So the bell can be held still or be made to ring.
For an animation of this see
Change ringing is when a team rings a set of bells in a continuously changing pattern. This is a team activity which requires concentration and good coordination. It makes a glorious sound too!
You can see a second animation which shows how our six bells can be rung in sequence so that each bell is heard in turn at

Bellringing in 1995
You will have a lot of fun!
You will learn a traditional skill
You will keep fit mentally and physically
You will be of service to our church and our community
Your services will always be in demand!
2009: Bellringer Hilda Culley in action!
Winterton Bellringers on You Tube!
Click this link to hear our church bells rung on a practice session and see our Tower Captain in action. Video taken by one of our bellringers.
Bellringers in 1995
Photos from 1995 on this page taken by Steve Stubbins
Want to listen to other church bells?
Each week BBC Radio 4 broadcasts the bells at a different church. Click Bells on Sunday
Find out more about church bell ringing
Visit the websites of
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers
The Lincoln Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
and to hear many different church bell recordings visit