Donations for this Project


We are still seeking further donations to finance this ambitious project. For full details of the project please see All Saints Forward Project We have been very grateful to receive a significant number of donations from our community and friends further afield. If you also wish to help us with a donation, please see details below.


Winterton PCC has been able to allocate over £40,000 of its funds towards this project largely due to two anonymous donations totalling £25,000 made in 2010. With Gift Aid tax reclaimed these donations amounted to £32,051. This allowed the church to invest in the professional advice needed to develop the project before it was able to attract any grant funding.

We are especially grateful to donations from some of our local businesses including:

Express Laundry Services, Unit 1D, Roxby Road Industrial Estate, Winterton

Keith Button Funeral Director [J Naylor], 43 West Street, Winterton

Smith & Walker, Optometrists, 1 High Street, Winterton

We have also had many donations from private individuals, including the chair plaque scheme. In total since 2010 the PCC has raised over £120,000 from donations and shop sales for this project.

Fund raising continues even now. If you would like to make a donation to this exciting project please contact our Treasurer, Robin Shawyer, at or 01724 734285 or use the contact form at the base of this page.

A leaflet with a donation form, and Gift Aid proforma, can be downloaded here 2012 Funding Appeal

To make contact with us about donations, please use the form below. No information you provide with be published without your express consent.



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