Welcome to the website of All Saints, Winterton. We hope you will enjoy viewing the information we have provided and that looking at our website will encourage you to visit our beautiful, Grade I listed, parish church in the centre of Winterton. Better still, join us for worship at one of our services! We will offer you a warm welcome. Live church services have resumed at All Saints, Winterton, and at Roxby and Winteringham. Please do visit us even if only online
For our social events in coming months see Events Programme
Services are at times stated on our Church Services page.
Click here for our Community Kitchen 'Free' Meals
Caring for People - Safeguarding
Click Caring for People - Safeguarding for more details

Please Sponsor a Chair to help our Project Funding
Please donate to help All Saints serve our community!
Credit and Debit Card donations may be made by clicking on the Visa/Mastercard image below. You will be taken to the Winterton All Saints donation page.
Your donation will help to service our community's needs and to maintain our beautiful building.
Or you may also donate by scanning this QR code with your smartphone.
Scan to make an instant donation. Your mobile phone camera should recognise this QR code, if not download a QR reader.The QR code will take you to All Saints' donation page. You can then select a donation amount and pay by Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, or debit/credit card.
Fit for the 21st century
Do visit to see our reordered nave and aisles with new seating, lighting, floor and displays. There is a lot to see. We are open for all services and events even though the churchyard remains closed. A beautiful ancient church and superb concert venue.
Nave and aisles looking north east
[Photo courtesy of Roland Fawcett Photography and Treske]
Please note that unfortunately our church currently has to be kept locked. We plan in the future to keep it open during daylight hours. It is always open for visitors from 2 to 4pm on some Wednesdays and all Saturdays and is open for use at many other times as shown on our Calendar - default view. We may be able to arrange for the church to be open if you can only visit Winterton at some other time. Please give us as much notice as possible and we will try to have the church open for your visit. Contact
Forthcoming Events
Services at All Saints
You will be most welcome!
Please check our weekly service pattern at Church Services
You may also wish to check particular dates on our Calendar - default
Special Forthcoming Services at All Saints, Winterton
Please see our calendar for all other services
Find out what is on this week at All Saints What's On
Events Programme
We offer a range of regular social events and also special events. For full details please see Events Programme