Church Services
All four churches in the Winterton Group [Winterton, Winteringham, Roxby and Appleby] are open for weddings, baptisms and funerals. However, there are no regular Sunday services at Appleby. There are regular Sunday services at Winterton, Winteringham and Roxby. However, the pattern varies each month and you need to consult the monthly parish magazine or church noticeboard for details
Monday 14th April 7pm, All Saints, Winterton, Stations Of The Cross.
Tuesday 15th April 6pm, St Mary's, Roxby, Compline.
Thursday 17th April 7pm, All Saints Winteringham, Maunday Thursday service followed by stripping of the church.
Good Friday 18th April 3pm, Cross planting at Roxby, followed by Ecumenical service in St Mary's at 3.15, then tea in Roxby Community Centre.
Sunday 20th April, 10.45am, All Saints Winterton, Easter Day, Morning Prayer.
Sunday 20th April 11am, St Bartholemew, Appleby, Easter Day, Morning Prayer.