Church Floodlights
Would you like to have All Saints' Church floodlit for a special date or anniversary?
Or would you just like to sponsor the floodlighting for an evening?
This offer is unfortunately suspended temporarily as the floodlights have been condemned by our electrician. We await new funding for there renewal by a modern floodlight system.

To see similar photos see Floodlit Church
For a donation of £20 the church can be floodlit from 6pm (or dusk if it is later) until midnight on any night of the year.
Please give us as much notice as possible and we will confirm that your request has been received and can be actioned. We ask that you pay in advance. Full details needed for a booking are listed below.
Once your donation has been received we will list on this page your name and the date you have sponsored together with the details of the special occasion [unless you tell us not to do so].
The information we need for your booking is:
Your Name and Address with Post code.
Your Telephone number and E-mail address [if any].
The date [day/month/year] you wish to book for floodlighting the church.
Reason for date chosen [anniversary/in memory of/ other details].
Please state clearly if you do NOT wish this reason to be acknowledged on our website.
All these details can either be sent by e-mail or entered on a copy of the form which can be downloaded here - Floodlight Booking form.
Please make cheques out to Winterton PCC when you make a booking [at least a week before the date for the floodlighting]. Send cheque and booking to:
Winterton PCC Treasurer, Robin Shawyer, 31 Earlsgate, Winterton, Scunthorpe DN15 9SS [e-mail: ]
Gift AidIf you are a UK taxpayer please do gift aid your donation as it increases the value of your donation by 25p for each pound donated. The booking form which can be downloaded Floodlight Booking formhas the gift aid declaration included. Alternatively you may write out and sign a copy of this declaration below on paper.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference
Signed: Date:
Dates for floodlighting church
The church is floodlit each year over the Christmas and New Year period. We are grateful to Winterton Town Council for their contribution towards the cost of this.