Funding Our Building
All Saints' Church is an ancient Grade I Listed Building. It requires significant investment in order to keep it weatherproof and fit for use to meet the needs of our 21st Century community.

In 2020 we received £22,095 from the Historic England Grant for Covid-19 Emergency Heritage at Risk Response Fund.
We are thus able to repair four leaded windows on the south side of the church. The work will be carried out in 2021.
From 1998 to 2009 we spent a total of £88,292 [an average of over £7,000 per year] on capital costs for significant repairs and improvements as listed below:
Repairs to roof and rainwater goods £34,552
Creation of Parish Room at west end of South Aisle £25,317
Grilles to protect windows £10,310
Repairs to vandalised windows £5,772
Internal decoration £5,392
Professional fees £2,306
Bell repairs £1,652
Stone wall repair £1,000
Repairs to vandalised floodlights £982
Repairs to vandalised tombstone £564
Organ repairs £246
Timber treatment £200
We gratefully acknowledge the financial help we have received towards the above costs in the period 1998-2009. Grants received from:
Entrust Landfill Communities Fund £7,814 [roof repairs and decoration]
Marshall's Charity £5,000 [roof repairs]
Lincolnshire Churches Trust £3,000 [roof repairs]
Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme £4,124 [roof and wall repairs]
This has meant that our church has provided the balance of £68,353 [total of above costs less grants listed] from its own resources, including insurance claims.
This money has been found in addition to the annual £33,000 needed for Funding Our Ministry.
All this finance has come from our own community by fund-raising, regular giving, gift aid, legacies and investments.
For further information about how you can help us financially please see Funding Our Ministry.
Chancel Repair Liability:
In 2013 the PCC faced a decision about this liability. To find out what the PCC did see Chancel Repair Liability
We are extremely grateful to Edith Annie Tune for her legacy which was invested in 1997 to create the Winterton Church [Edith Annie Tune] Trust Fund which contributes about £1,000 every year to our Repairs Fund.
Following this we set up Winterton All Saints Legacies Fund to allow for future legacies to be invested and contribute to our building and general funding needs. At present this contributes about £2,000 each year. The Fund has been blessed with gifts from the estates of:
Elizabeth Audrey Butler; Gertie Fowler; Thomas Hardy; Harry Harrison; Kathleen Mary Hunter; Isabella Lo Russo Lees; Derek Millar; Stella Potter; Althea Robins; Rose Sanderson; Geoff Tunnicliffe; Dorothy Yeadon
and gifts made in memory of:
Mrs H Freeman; Mr & Mrs D R Shawyer; Prof & Mrs A C Walshaw.
If you would like to consider leaving a legacy to our church, there is further information in our leaflet Your Legacy Will Help
Repairs to stone wall in 2007
Repairs to clerestory windows in 2007