The All Saints Forward Group is developing an exciting project for the future of our parish church.
For the latest news see Project latest news
Though we have raised some large sums of money, we still need more! If you are able to help us financially please see Donations for this Project
A full list of the funding bodies who are supporting us with grants can be seen at Grants for this ProjectSee below for the story so far, how we obtained both a Stage 1 'pass' and the Stage 2 final grant of £748,100 with the Heritage Lottery Fund and what we hope to achieve.
All Saints Forward Core Group members
Heritage Lottery Fund Stage 1 'pass' December 2011
Plans as at December 2013Plans as at February 2014
Statements of Significance and Needs
An exciting development in the life of our church has begun!
After some years of serious thinking about the future of All Saints, the PCC has committed itself to the 'All Saints Forward' project.
Late in 2008 the PCC decided to contract Alastair Simmons, of TASKSCAPE ASSOCIATES Ltd, to act as a consultant and facilitator for the initial stage of this project. This initial stage included a Cultural Audit [looking at the ‘way we do things around here' at All Saints]; a workshop to discover and agree the future sustainable Purposes of All Saints: a consideration of the future Purposes in the light of the Cultural Audit findings and iterate the Purposes; the development of an Outline Communication and Project Plan showing immediate next steps and the tasks, teams and time required to deliver the Purposes; a one day workshop to explore how the Purposes of All Saints could be best expressed by its buildings. In fact, we reached the end of this stage on 13th February 2010 with a public meeting at which our architect, Brian Foxley, outlined his ideas.
The aim is that members of our congregation and the wider community can contribute their ideas so that All Saints has a sustainable future as the parish church of Winterton.
The initial core group set up by the PCC to guide the discovery of new purpose and opportunity for All Saints was then expanded to include:
Revd Alice Nunn, Revd Jane Whitehead, Revd Bill Pegg, Eric Burton [until 2011], Margaret Holtby, Frank Jervis, Jean Key, Derek Liversidge, Ida Liversidge, Robin Shawyer, Russell Walshaw, Shirley White, Dorothy Yeadon, Pat Cooke, Liz Gregory [until 2011], Sarah Precious, Lucinda Hopkins, Sue Anable, Gail Summerfield, Karen Fanthorpe, Tim Johns, Gwenifer Shawyer, Elaine Southern and [from 2013] Colin Donaghy, John Dagger and John Northall.
Please direct any thoughts or enquiries - in the first instance - to Robin Shawyer, Treasurer of the PCC and Chair of the core group [tel: 01724 734285]
E-mail contact can be made via

The group developed ideas throughout 2010 and 2011 and decided that, in view of the extremely rich heritage embodied in both the church fabric, artefacts and archives and our ancient town settlement, a heritage focus was most appropriate. There was also strong community support for such a focus. Research was carried out and many contacts made.
This enabled us to make a Stage 1 Heritage Lottery Fund application in September 2011. The project title was 'All Saints: the story it tells of Winterton'. In December 2011 we were told that our application had 'passed' Stage 1 and we were granted £36,000 for the cost of the development work needed to get us to the point where we could submit our Stage 2 application in September 2012. We were delighted to find out in March 2013 that the Heritage Lottery Fund decided to grant us £748,100 to complete the project. Our plans continue to develop. After much discussion and following advice from those organisations who will need to give consent for our planned new extension, we developed ideas further to reach the final proposal in December 2013. This is now subject to final consultation and is being submitted for faculty approval and planning permission. Meanwhile the church closes on 1st January 2014 to be readied for works to begin as soon as the permissions are received.
Public Meeting on Saturday 30 June 2012
Why was the meeting called? Public Meeting 30 June 2012
The agenda and background data 2012 Public Meeting Agenda & Background
Copy of the presentation slides 2012 Public Meeting presentation slides
Funding Appeal leafet 2012 Funding Appeal
The meeting was well attended and a number of interesting questions posed with much support shown.

Diagram showing possible new extension from NW

Diagram of new extension aerial view

Diagram to show new plan layout

Diagram to show cutaway view of nave and tower
These diagrams show the initial version of the plans which were submitted for approval and discussion with the diocesan planning authorities. They were also submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund as part of our Stage 2 application in September 2012.
The Heritage Lottery Fund announced that they will offer first round support for the project developed by our All Saints Forward group. The project is titled 'All Saints: the story it tells of Winterton'.
Read below to see how we got to this amazing point in our journey!
Heritage Lottery Fund supports All Saints Dec 2011
The documents listed below outline the key events/meetings/decisions made by group so far.
April 2013 Heritage Lottery Fund Final grant awarded
Heritage Lottery Fund supports All Saints Dec 2011
Outline Draft Plan September 2011
Heritage Lottery Fund enquiry success June 2011
All Saints Forward - another update
All Saints Forward - the very latest news
All Saints Forward: What has been happening?
16 July 10 Phase 2 well under way
All Saints Forward Phase 2A Gets Underway
All Saints Forward Public Meeting
Cultural Audit Summary Diagram
13 March 09 All Saints Forward
10 Feb 09 Vision for the Future
Design Concepts for All Saints
February 2010
Our architect, Brian Foxley, produced some fascinating ideas at the public meeting on 13th February, 2010. No final decisions had been taken, much work remained to be done and grant applications still had to be made. However, the plans did give an idea of how our beautiful church building might have the medieval fabric conserved while allowing us to modify it so that our agreed purposes can be met.
The Church as it is now
A full digital survey was conducted in late 2009. This allows the production of 3D images of the church and churchyard. Here are two such digital views.
From the south east ASF Church 3D SE
From the north east ASF Church 3D NE
It is also possible to see a complete plan of the churchyard as it is now.
And a detailed plan of the church itself
There was a very lively discussion about possible design concepts at the public meeting with a great deal of enthusiam and positive support. If you have views please feel free to send them to us, using the form below. We are very clear that the church building is an important part of Winterton life and a resource for the whole community. We want it to remain so in the years to come.
November 2012
A detailed version of the plans and reasons was submitted to English Heritage for comment. This large file may take a while to download.
December 2013
The designs below are now being subject to final consultation and submision for faculty approval and planning permission.
Project Dec 2013 External Plan
Project Dec 2013 External Elevations
Project Dec 2013 Nave Elevations
Project Dec 2013 Tower Ground Floor
Project Dec 2013 Tower Upper Levels
Project Dec 2013 Heritage Room
Project Dec 2013 Kitchen Elevations
February 2014
Some final design changes made in consultation with the Diocese and other advisory bodies.
Statements of Significance and Needs
To support the faculty application we provide these statements in order to explain in detail the significance of our church and the needs which exist and which justify the changes being planned.
These files are large and may take some time to download.
If you have any comments to make about these plans, please use the form below to contact us.
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