We have a new kitchen and Welcome-Area!


After a long and frustrating process we have at last gained permission to build our new kitchen and welcome area in the back corners of the nave.

 The PCC have devoted vast amounts of time to developing this project and thanks is due to them for their patience and perseverance in pursuing this aim.

The new works were dedicated by the Archdeacon The Ven Jane Sinclair at a special service at Harvest 2011.


The view from the kitchen to the welcome-area:

Serving Hatch


The entranceway:

Inner Doors


The back of the Church:

Back of Church

 The view from the Welcome Area looking into the Church:

 View from Welcome Area

 The Kitchen (before it was completely ready for use!)

Kitchen - work in progress

 After all the internal works were finished, a team from the Church laid new gravel around the outside.

Gravellers 1

Gravellers 2