St Margaret's, Huttoft

Church Lane (LN13 9RD), what3wordswhat3words "coast.helper.convinced" 
St Margaret

St. Margaret's is a medieval Church almost hidden away on Church Lane (although it is actually only 100 yards from the A52). 

The Church is a challenging building - however there is now a team of local people working hard to improve it.  Recently the Nave roof has been repaired and work is in hand on the Chancel roof.  Plans are also being made to deal with the large-scale infestation of birds in the tower. 

Services take place twice a month - sometimes in the Church and sometimes in Huttoft Village Hall (which is well heated and has good facilities including a car park and an accesible toilet).  These are shared with our local Methodist congregation. Services start at 10.30am. The general pattern is that the service on the Second Sunday of the month is led by a Methodist Minister and that on the Fourth Sunday is led by one of our Parish Ministry Team (though check our diary page or notices for uptodate information).

For more information please contact one of the clergy (see the Contacts page) or one of our Churchwardens:

            Mr. Andrew Baker         Mr. Ray Ganney
                Click to email            07443 630774
                                                Click to email

The following map shows the location of the Church and the Village Hall (drag the 'hand' or zoom and pan etc. using the buttons on the map).  For a link to a Google® map which offers directions etc., click here.