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Cranwell Parish Church Events Calendar

Saturday, March 1
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Coffe and Pamper Extavaganza

 Enjoy your monthly oportunity to meet with your friends for coffee and cakes, and this month, ladies, be PAMPERED!  The Coffee morning will include speciality stalls such as: Manicures, Belgian Chocolates, Head Massage, Cup Cakes, Jewellery, Keepsake Toys, Raffle and much, much more! Bring a friend and be pampered together.

This month's selected charity is the Parkinson Society and they will have their own stall. 

Sunday, March 9
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Benefice Healing Service
Description: A service of Healing and Wholeness of body, mind and spirit led by members of the Benefice Ministry Team.
Thursday, March 13
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: 22, Willow Lane,Cranwell, NG34 8DQ
Summary: Lent Course

This year's Lent course is "Build on the Rock".  If you miss a session at Cranwell, you can attend a similar session on a different evening elsewhere in the Benefice.

Friday, March 14
Time: 5:30pm - 6:15pm
Location: Lincoln Cathedral
Summary: Prayers for Cranwell
Description: Today is the day that Cranwell is remembered in prayers across the diocese.  Join us in the Cathedral as we attend Evensong.
Thursday, March 20
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: 22, Willow Lane,Cranwell, NG34 8DQ
Summary: Lent Course

This year's Lent course is "Build on the Rock".  If you miss a session at Cranwell, you can attend a similar session on a different evening elsewhere in the Benefice.

Thursday, March 27
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: 22, Willow Lane,Cranwell, NG34 8DQ
Summary: Lent Course

This year's Lent course is "Build on the Rock".  If you miss a session at Cranwell, you can attend a similar session on a different evening elsewhere in the Benefice.

Thursday, April 3
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: 22, Willow Lane,Cranwell, NG34 8DQ
Summary: Lent Course

This year's Lent course is "Build on the Rock".  If you miss a session at Cranwell, you can attend a similar session on a different evening elsewhere in the Benefice.

Saturday, April 5
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Coffee Morning
Description: Enjoy coffee and homemade cakes and support this month's charity: the Salvation Army
Thursday, April 17
Time: 8:00am - 8:45am
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Maunday Thursday Service
Description: Holy Communion followed by the stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday
Friday, April 18
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Good Friday Service
Description: A service of contemplation during which the events of the first Good Friday will be recalled through Bible Readings.
Saturday, May 3
Time: 9:00am - 11:00am
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Coffee Morning
Description: Enjoy coffee and homemade cakes and support this month's charity: Samaritans
Friday, May 23
Time: All day event
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers

Flower Festival Preview - (7:00pm - 9:00pm)

A Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers.  A flower festivalwith all the arrangements undertaken by members of the congregation.


Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers Preview Evening

Flower Festival Preview - (7:00pm - 9:00pm)

A Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers.  A flower festivalwith all the arrangements undertaken by members of the congregation.  Enjoy the preview evening cheese and wine. Ticket£6 (children under 18 free)to include the first glass of wine.  Music by the local Rock Choir.

Saturday, May 24
Time: 6:00pm - 7:45pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers Evening Concert

Enjoy an evening of fine choral singing by the award winning Cranwell School Choral Group.  Punch and Lincolnshire plum bread will be served during the interva.

Tickets £4.00, children under 12 years old free.

Time: 11:30pm - 3:30pm Sunday, May 25
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers
Description: Spend a Sunday afternoon viewing the beautiful flower arrangements and take afternoon tea to round off the day.
Monday, May 26
Time: 9:00am - 3:30pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Compendium of Nursery Rhymes in Flowers

Take as long as you wish to view the beautiful flower arrangements.  Refreshments available all day.

Saturday, July 5
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Coffee and Pamper Extravaganza
Description: Enjoy your monthly oportunity to meet with your friends for coffee and cakes, and this month, ladies, be PAMPERED!  The Coffee morning will include speciality stalls such as: Manicures, Belgian Chocolates, Head Massage, Cup Cakes, Jewellery, Keepsake Toys, Raffle and much, much more! Bring a friend and be pampered together.
Saturday, July 12
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: 100th Annual Church Fete
Description: This year marks the 100th anniversary of the annual church fete.  We aim to recreate as many of the attractions and activities as possible.  So come to the VIllage Hall and enjoy a very traditional fete.  Dress up in the fashions of 1914 if you wish and join us for a Punch and Judy show, Tombola, raffles, childrens games, cream teas and much , much more!
Monday, July 28
Time: All day event
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities
Description: Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday. Activity details to follow. Watch this space!
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Location: Sports Field or Village Hall
Summary: Young Peoples' Summer Activities-Bouncy Castle and Games

Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday This week join in the games on the sports field and enjoy the bouncy castle. Bring Mum and a picnic!

Will be held in the Village Hall if wet weather 

Monday, August 4
Time: All day event
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities
Description: Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday. Activity details to follow. Watch this space!
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities- CIRCUS SKILLS

Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday This week learn circus skills in the Village Hall: tight rope walking, juggling and much more.

Monday, August 11
Time: All day event
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities
Description: Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday. Activity details to follow. Watch this space!
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Young Peoples' Summer Activities- CRAFTY CAPERS

Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday This week join in the mammoth craft session in the Village Hall: paint, stick and make to your heart's content!

Monday, August 18
Time: All day event
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities
Description: Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday. Activity details to follow. Watch this space!
Time: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church/Skegness
Summary: Young Peoples Summer Activities- SKEGNESS OUTING

Join in our weekly programme of activities for young people during the school summer holiday.

This week we shall enjoy a coach trip to Skeggie! To book a place on the coach contact Lynn on 01400261917.  Parental consent forms are required for unaccompanied children.The coach will leave at 9am and return at about 4pm.

Young people go free, but adults will be asked for a small contribution towards the cost of the coach. 

Saturday, October 4
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Coffe and Pamper Extravaganza

Enjoy your monthly oportunity to meet with your friends for coffee and cakes, and this month, ladies, be PAMPERED!  The Coffee morning will include speciality stalls such as: Manicures, Belgian Chocolates, Head Massage, Cup Cakes, Jewellery, Keepsake Toys, Raffle and much, much more! Bring a friend and be pampered together.

This months charity stall will be in aid of Cranwell Romper Room 

Tuesday, December 16
Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Cranwell Village Hall
Summary: Carol Concert in the Village Hall
Description: Sing your favourite carols in the Village Hall to the accompaniment of the Salvation Army Band
Wednesday, December 24
Time: 3:00pm - 3:45pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: A Crib Service for Christmas Eve
Description: Bring all the family to share in the joy of building the Crib for Christmas
Time: 11:30pm - 1:00am Thursday, December 25
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Midnight Service
Description: Holy Communion (or Communion by Extension) for the first day of Christmas.  Service starts at 1130pm
Thursday, December 25
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Cranwell Parish Church
Summary: Christmas Morning Service
Description: A family service for Christmas Morning